Focus on Weston Supports Participation in Town Elections and Annual Town Meeting

​Weston voters generally do not participate in our local town elections and at our annual Town Meeting. Only about 12% participate in the town elections and only 3-4% attend the Town Meeting. Focus on Weston (FOW) is working to create more awareness of the issues and candidates in an effort to increase participation.

There are two important Weston events coming up and we are asking you to:

  1. Vote in the Weston Town Election on Saturday May 7th

  2. Vote at our Town Meeting on Monday May 9th

Why bother voting?
Your vote is critical, and not just as a matter of civic responsibility. Not long ago, a Weston School Committee election was decided by only one vote and last year there was a very close count for a seat on our Select Board. In addition, there are important items on the Town Meeting agenda that will affect Weston for years to come. This year, for example, we will be voting on a significant increase in property taxes (more than 4%), a substantial investment in water system infrastructure, and major changes to the town’s zoning bylaws. With so few of Weston’s registered voters typically participating, every vote is important and every vote counts – quite literally.

Who is on the ballot this year?
So far it looks like there will only be one contested election, but it’s an important one: School Committee. The three candidates below are running for the two open seats. We encourage you to learn about their backgrounds, qualifications, and positions on the big issues facing our school system over the next five years. Find out why they want to run and what do they want to accomplish while in office.

  1. Maija Gooch

  2. Jeff Lucas

  3. Anita Raman

Get to know the candidates and make an informed decision – who is willing to do this important work and who shares your vision for our future? The League of Women Voters will host a “Candidates Night” on April 28th at 7:30 on Zoom, and it’s a great opportunity to hear them discuss their platforms.

What should I vote for at Town Meeting? What are the key issues?
FOW will be sending out a summary of the items on the agenda for Town Meeting. We believe successful town governance is built upon an informed community. Our goal is to enable an informed local citizenry that not only appreciates Weston’s beauty, but also gets involved to help ensure our successful future. The Town Meeting determines the budget for the next fiscal year. Your real estate taxes are primarily determined by the next fiscal year’s School Budget and Town Budget which are described in the Weston Town Meeting Warrant mailed to each registered Weston voter.

How do I vote at the town election?
If you are not registered to vote and want to participate in our election, the deadline to register is April 15th.
Voting Option One: Vote in person at Town Hall on election day, Saturday May 7th from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Voting Option Two: Request an absentee ballot and vote by mail - deadline to request an absentee ballot is May 3rd at 5:00pm.

After you fill out your Absentee Ballot, get it to the Town Clerk in one of three ways:

  1. Mail Absentee Ballot to Town Clerk, P.O. Box 378, Weston, MA 02493. Note that it must be received by the close of the polls on election day.

  2. Drop Absentee Ballot in at the “drop box” at Town Hall by noon on May 6th

  3. Scan and email it to

How do I vote at Town Meeting?
There is only one way – come to Weston High School at 7:00pm on Monday May 9th. Parking does get tight, so come early. You will register at the door and be given an electronic voting device that anonymously counts your vote. There is no option to submit an absentee ballot for Town Meeting.

It is expected that people will disagree on issues, or the best ways to address issues, but let’s remember that we all want the best for our town. We must be committed to civil discourse in everything we do, especially when we disagree. And just as there is disagreement in the most successful organizations, we should expect to disagree. We need to encourage and reward thoughtful new approaches and ideas, but also submit them to careful scrutiny. This is not a time to rest on the comfort of the status quo – we support and need people who will successfully guide Weston over the coming years.

Finally, we want to thank all of you who have joined our mailing list and offered encouragement. We appreciate your support.

Know the issues - Know the candidates - Be part of the solution


Water Management Issues


Focus on Weston is Committed to Responsible Town Governance